How Do You Travel With Your Axolotl: Complete Guide

How Do You Travel With Your Axolotl: Complete Guide

Axolotls are cute, rare species of Salamanders. If you own any of these, you should know they are delicate animals that require specific conditions to survive. What happens when you have to go on a long trip with an axolotl?

Place your axolotl in a large Tupperware bowl and drill a hole in it at the top. Ensure that you put out enough water to avoid excess sloshing. In very hot temperatures, put them in styrofoam containers that contain ice to keep them cool.

Axolotls are not very common, so it might be difficult to find other travelers with a pet like yours who can give you insight on handling them. Well, you don’t have to worry as this article explains all you should know about an axolotl and traveling with one.

How Do You Transport Your Axolotl In A Car?

How Do You Travel With Your Axolotl: Complete Guide

First, make sure that your axolotl is in good health. If you’re purchasing for the first time, perform a preliminary inspection on your axolotl before transporting it, especially if you purchased it through a craigslist listing rather than from an established dealer. If there were another axolotl in the tank, check to see that your axolotl has no injury from an attack.  

If you’ve had it for a while, then ensure that it looks healthy before carrying it on any trip. It should be active and lively like it used to be when it was in your home. Once you’re sure that your axolotls are in good shape, you can embark on your journey. Below are ways that I use when transporting my axolotls.

Put Your Axolotl In A Tupperware Container

This is the most common method people use to transport these creatures. Get a Tupperware container that can hold two to three gallons of water. Fill it up to a third with the water from its aquarium.

Place the Tupperware in a cooler with something soft on top, such as a towel. Then, you can place an ice pack to help keep the temperature down. Like most people, I prefer to drill holes in the top of the container to allow the flow of air. 

After that, you can put the cooler in a shady spot in your vehicle to prevent heat. If you’re placing the cooler on a seat, you must fasten it with your seatbelt.

Additionally, keep a turkey baster on hand. This would help you easily remove the feces depending on how lengthy your voyage is. Always carry extra aquarium water in an insulated container, such as a thermal in case you lose any when checking on your axolotl.

Use Styrofoam Coolers

I’ve discovered that the easiest way to transport an axolotl is to use a styrofoam cooler. Normally, you would use these coolers to put sodas and beer but they can also serve as great transportation houses for axolotl. Before you place your axolotl in a styrofoam cooler, place it in a plastic bag.

It’s ideal to purchase fish bags from a pet store, but you can also use some of gallon storage bags if you have some on hand. The bag should measure at least15 inches in length and 8 inches in width. It must be large enough to completely submerge your axolotl in the water while still retaining at least 2/3 of its original volume of air.

Remove the axolotl from the aquarium using a large fish net to catch it. Place it in the empty bag. Using a funnel, pour enough water from the tank over the axolotl to thoroughly drown it while it is still lying flat in the bag. 

Fill the bag with water until it is one-third of the way full. Fill the remaining 2/3 of the bag with air by using a bike pump. To close the bag, fold the top of the bag over and secure it with a rubber band.

Using the same method as the first, place the sealed axolotl in another bag, fold it over, and fasten it with a rubber band.

Place a layer of packing peanuts in the bottom of the cooler. In order to prevent your axolotl from moving around, place it on the layer and cover it with more packing peanuts.

Bring Extra Materials With You

Ensure that you carry extra materials in case of emergencies or necessities. Your extra materials should include plastic bags, aquarium water, and packing peanuts. 

Plan Your Trips

When carrying an axolotl on a road trip, avoid bumpy and uneven roads. You might even plan your travel around the most convenient times to avoid getting stuck in city traffic, or you could choose a route that has no traffic. If you live in a hot climate, you should travel early in the morning or late in the evening to escape the heat. 

How To Transport Your Axolotl Water Tank

How Do You Travel With Your Axolotl: Complete Guide

If you need to transfer your axolotl tank as a whole, pour the water into jugs or sealable buckets that you haven’t used for anything before.

Drain the tank till it’s empty. Some might consider it unnecessary to carry the aquarium water. Besides, you can easily fill the tank in your new location. However, it is best to keep the initial water your axolotl is used to especially if it’s not time to change the water.

You should still transport your axolotl in a separate container This will keep them cool and give you time to check that the aquarium water temperature is in its new location before reintroducing your axolotl into it.

Can You Fly With An Axolotl?

Have you thought about flying on an airplane with your axolotl? If yes, you’re probably wondering if it is possible to bring it with you. Yes, you can fly with axolotl as long as the airline allows it. It’s just like traveling with any other fish. 

However, the Transport Security Administration can be a headache. The reason is that fishes have to also go through security. But, they cannot pass through an x-ray. This could lead to a series of questions, and a tougher ordeal than transporting other pets.

Therefore, request to speak to the supervisor from the beginning to avoid a stressful time at the checkpoint. 

To avoid this, you can ship your axolotl the previous or the same day as your travel. Shipping your pet for the first time can be scary but it is less stressful for you and the axolotl.

Gui Hadlich

Hey there, I'm Gui! These are my 2 good pals Ozzy and Luna. I've gone through the headache of figuring out what to do when either traveling with them or leaving them behind, and I know it can be a pain. I created Pets Travel Guide to make your life a bit easier when you love your pet but also love to travel!

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